

16mi Raat: Jamadal Ukhra (1446H)

16mi Raat: Jamadal Ukhra (1446H) 16mi Raat is timeless in its association with: 🔸Saheb ul Mojezat, Syedna Hatim (RA) the Maula who turned khaak to dinar. 🔸Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA) beneath whose Qadam Mubarak dwells [...]

Pekoe Trail (Phase 3) – SEZ Adventure Club

On December 8, SEZ Adventure Club successfully organized Phase 3 of the Pekoe Trail, a challenging yet captivating hike that brought together 34 enthusiastic participants. The group set off at 3:00 am from Burhani Park, [...]

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