“Nau’so warass lagan chale’, ehni zikr Quran ma’
hoveej joiye'”Dr. Seyedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Saheb TUS.
“Jaha’ lagan d’am ma’ d’am rehay, ek ragh halti rehay,
waha’ lagan Imam uz Zaman ni Khidmat karjo”
Dr. Seyedna Tahir Saifuddin Sahib RA; of revered
Nine Centuries of Successive Benevolence,
N ine novel centuries secluded an Imam
by his vicegerent,
recent times depict their rule
as almost a novel reminiscence,
I ntensive intelligible leadership,
benevolent & munificent,
the Dai ul Mutlaq of each era
is etched in resonating reverence,
N umerous nights of solitude
and seeking solace,
bereft of the Imam and his empire,
and Islam’s highest office,
E ngaging every enemy standing guard
at Islam’s palace,
a Dai ul Mutlaq ventured to salvage,
and patiently suffice.
C entury after century would reveal
the most resounding battle,
the sentiments of Islam
and its revelations kept closely secure,
E ntailing, emancipating, endowing
and educating the faithful,
the Dai ul Mutlaq dedicated
their life towards the soul’s cure,
N one necessitated a dedication
seen in the likes of them,
eschewing worldly ambition
bringing fertility to Allah’s final deen,
T antamount to the call to faith
from the Imam’s veritable realm,
the Dai ul Mutlaq stood guard
on duty as none could ever have been,
U nseen and yet endowing endlessly,
the Imam’s hand lay on their shoulder,
the Dai ul Mutlaq pledged to maintain
this office come whatever….
R epeatedly persecuted by
unscrupulous kings of their era,
they saught patience in remembering
the house of sorrows of Ma Fatema,
I ndicted dissidents demanded
deplorable warrants of arrest,
they ventured to erase Hussains name
from the faithful’s chest,
E ndowed by a nine hundred year old office
of sentiment and wisdom,
the Dai ul Mutlaq faught
for righteousness and its freedom,
S priritually and secularly
their work is benevolent and undying,
choosing capable successors
the office never ceased functioning.
O fficiating their duties,
authority and jurisdiction,
a community of believers
turned towards a Dawoodi Bohra tradition,
F orming a community of
steadfast faith and belief,
gathering believers to mourn
thy matchless martyrdom in grief,
S warms of busy bees converged
to soothing sermons,
a clear path to eternal freedom
sprung from Ilmi fountains,
U nilaterally declaring this community
one which doubts not,
a cradle of human beings, rare gems,
secured from Satan’s plot,
C onstantly craving the preambles
of the secrets of creation,
ameliorated and endowed by
the Dai’s “laagni” and benediction,
C reating credible and creditable
enterprises and companies,
the community engaged themselves
in business and its philosophies,
E mbattled by the ways of the world
and who held the stakes,
bohras venturing overseas
came to be known as enterprising sheikhs,
S ervice to the community and mankind
revealed their philanthropy,
astute businessmen generous and kind
to people and community,
S o strengthening sufficiently
a vohra identity of entrepreneurs,
pridefilled they chose to be their beloved Aqa
Maula’s believers,
I ntuitively incumbent
lay memories of the Creator,
mumineen were re addressed to their identity,
value and culture,
V eritably vohras were given verity
addressed as mumineen ni jamaat,
the Dai ul Mutlaq revealed
a destiny to heaven and its one true path,
E nlightened yet enchained in sin,
they sought the mercy of the Almighty,
the Dai ul Mutlaq teached each believer
who to remember in solemnity.
B uilding bonds of goodwill
with rulers and emperors,
the sole aim of the Dai
was temporal peace for his believers,
E nraged enemies foraged
for new ways to trample the mission,
the Dai ul Mutlaq and his ruling rights
they wantonly question,
N ine centuries of gathering wisdom
about the people of this world,
the Dai ul Mutlaq’s immaculate knowledge
and learning was unfurled,
E recting Mausoleums and Mosques
with true Fatimid architecture,
the Dai ul Mutlaq ventured to
lay a strong foundation in each believer,
V alidating with value to velvet
the fabric of this close knit community,
the Dai ul Mutlaq’s task is tiring
and can never be proclaimed easy,
O rdained aamils with oratory wisdom
to spread and inculcate Islam,
the Dai ul Mutlaq commends
their mundane and temporal charisma,
L aying layer upon layer of noorani garb,
sheltering followers from harm,
never forgetting Hussain and his camp
on the burning sands of Karbala,
E nticing eloquently utilising
oratorical powers and insight,
Islamic scriptures and revelations
were mesmerisingly braught to light,
N ominating and preparing each successor
with immaculate care and attention,
the Dai ul Mutlaq paid heed
to their Imam’s secretly given Ilham,
C reating such ambience and joy
amongst their followers to jubilation,
that they are regarded a
Royal family protecting the faith of Islam,
E ven today Kings and Queens fondly remember,
with a Dai ul Mutlaq their brief yet amicable
By Huzefa Sh Asgarally.